Says the Western dove to the Eastern dove,
"Hail to
the Son of God, the Lord of Hosts,
Who gathers Us."
-- August 12, 2000
I was reminded of a vision that I had on the twelfth of August
just previous to leaving the house for the court hearing and even
read the directly above message to myself once again. I didn't know why
at the time.
After the court hearing, I was distraught and upset about the decision
of the judge.
I went
upstairs in the hope of finding help for the next step that I would need
to take in the ongoing process. The poor of finances are in need of
water and there is none when it comes to the courts. After spending more
than an hour stumbling about in the dark I was given the number for the
legal aid in Stillwater.
I left the court house and went looking for a friend of mine on the
east side of Enid. She was not home and after a bit I gave up my search.
I had wondered why the court's decision had come out the way it did, and
in just a short time, I would have my answer.
My husband had told me just a few days prior, that he had noticed a
young woman walking around town, on more than one occasion, carrying
signs with scriptures on them. And, I had just told him the next time he
saw her, to stop and give her my phone number.
I didn't actually expect to see her myself since
I am rarely in Enid. But, since I was dragged into town to stand before
the judge, AGAIN, I happened to be in the right place at the right time,
because ... there she was. I told my husband to stop the car and let me
out; I just had to talk with this brave soul.
When he pulled over more than a block past my destination, I got out
of the car and began walking back toward the young woman. She was
brought from the east, and I was gathered from the west. As I was walking
toward her I got the message, "Do you see who is in the west and who is
in the east?" My answer was, "Yes." And I was told not to forget it.
Upon my approach I told the young woman that I needed to hug her and
asked if that was okay. She said yes, and God's messengers spread their
wings and embraced. We spoke for a while and shared our experiences; I
told her about the vision of August 17, 1994,
and she told me about how she came to be in the place that she was now.
She said that she had found herself in the presence of a blinding white
light; she stood before a throne, while Jesus descended in front of her
and gave her a message, of which, she had prepared in pamphlet form. I
received a copy, and asked for her address. And then, we walked back to
my car together, at which time we parted. I told her that I loved her
and she said the same. After our meeting I was shown that she was
wearing red, for the east, and I was wearing the blues and blacks of the
The words of my own mouth, that I had just spoken to the judge
rang in my ears. I had said,
"The Lord works in mysterious ways.", and I learned a lesson
from myself:) God is working folks. Jesus is with Us. And do you have
wedding clothes on?
Later in the day I was told that I didn't have to win every battle in
order for Him to have the victory. He asked me, "Are you satisfied?". My
reply was, "Yes!".
Look for the covenant of Levi.