Concepts: Pride vs. Satisfaction Next Previous

See Contract.

I went to a bible study the evening of Palm Sunday. On the agenda was the subject of pride. And, I thank God for the timing of this experience.

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The next day I was asked to consider the subject of pride again. I was also asked to explain what I discovered. So I did, and what came out is nothing short of a miracle.

I had said that pride came out of a sense of accomplishment, when He asked me to explain the concept in God's terms. I then said that if there was such a thing as a perfect pride, that it wouldn't be pride, but a known satisfaction from a job well done. The Genesis story had come to mind and I was shown that God saw that it was good after His efforts had been accomplished for the day.

I was then shown the experience that led up to and including my meeting the young woman on the street. He asked me, "Are you satisfied?". And I was told to take pride out of our language and replace it with satisfaction instead. I was also told that pride would never be complete because it is dependent on our own efforts. In contrast, satisfaction comes from the efforts of a lover outside of ourselves:) Whew!!

The Shepherd's staff.

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This page was first posted on December 9, 2001 and last revised on January 18, 2022.

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