From: Tammy Kennedy
To: Dr. Tim Odom, D.C.
Date: 31 Jan 2003, 04:04:40 AM
Subject: From Earl Craton's granddaughter

Hello Tim:)

I apologize for the length of time that it has taken me to get back in touch with you. I've been fairly busy myself with brainstorming ideas and such.

I have an office in Enid Oklahoma; in the very building that Grandpa sort of started out in, I guess you could say, the Broadway Tower. There has been a story run in the paper about the opening. Also, I have enlisted the force of the 1st Amendment and gone to my local public broadcasting station and have now had two shows aired. Tulsa Public Schools just finished airing the first show earlier this evening.

I have had some response back, both good and bad. Such is life, Grandpa would say:) Even the bad is becoming good through the time process. And the good is becoming even better through an incessant networking process that I was not even aware of the necessity for, just one year ago now.

I am beginning to start up classes. People are coming together to discuss options, and on, and on... I am happy about the way things are going and expect that the opposition is now subdued, at least in Oklahoma. I would like to broaden out to other states, and have made contacts in Massachusettes, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Arizona, and Washington, and that is just the good guys. I have received apologies from doctors from inside the chiropractic profession as opening introductions.

I correspond with these contacts until nothing seems left to be said. I am not overtly angry with anyone who makes a humble request, but am continuously asked to give up what Grandpa knew without payment. Grandpa told me not to do this just two weeks before He died.

It has been very hard for me to carry His vision of a better world. But, I agree with it... and I know that He has only started me on the path of discovery. We spoke many times about concept, I can't even begin to tell you how many times! In the end, Grandpa was amazed at my ability for insight. I think we shared the same mind in our time together and He rubbed off on me just a little more than He ever thought He could:)

I know that He would still correct me though:) He was certainly a perfectionist. I have had amazing results with fibromyalgia, headaches, peripheral neuropathy, depression, and on, and on.... I have a hypothesis about diabetes that I would like to test. Grandpa spoke of it and once I even had call to INSIST that He work on my young daughter. I don't know if she actually had diabetes; but even Grandpa said later that He thought that she may have come very close. She can tell you better than I can about her experience. I am just glad that I was not fully aware of her symptoms at the time of their appearance. I understand that she went totally blind after playing, one late spring afternoon. Something told me diabetes. Since I had talked with Grandpa about it, I made sure to get his hands on her when she needed him. We have had no more trouble:)

She is as healthy as healthy could be, and brings me her friends who gladly request my help as well. I have at least one sixteen year old kid who wants to grow up to be a Nerve Signal Interference Specialist. Even my daughter who wants to be a cartoonist, has put my head in place and is slowly coming around to Grandpa's art as a practitioner.

I am glad that I made the trip to Texas. I would like to return and hopefully be in a position to sanction a group that would see it like He did. Yes, Grandpa formally knighted:) me NSI Specialist. He had literature offered in the chiropractic journals more than a decade ago now that made that same call to action to the chiropractors. No takers, well, at least not at the time. I would like to think, now that I know about your efforts, that you are a close resemblance to myself as a professional in our art.

I am glad to know of you. It has brought that part of Grandpa that walks with me, a smile to His face:) And He says "Hi!":)

I don't know what to ask of you without giving you the opportunity to offer what you might be willing to do. I myself, and later Grandpa, knew that His art would not be sufficiently investigated without standing alone. As I told Him in the past, "They won't listen until we can run them out of business!!!". He ended up feeling the same.

When I approached the Oklahoma Board of Chiropractic Examiners, it was originally in the spirit of peace and acceptance, in order to 'bring them into the fold' as Grandpa would say. They opposed me, and violently. I personally feel that they were waiting on Him to die so that they could finally teach His methods without having to answer to, or pay, Him, which He insisted upon.

As Mom has reminded me recently, He didn't want His right taught in with their wrong. And so, I have some awfully big shoes to fill:) I am a strong spirited red-headed bitch:) at times. But, it is because that is what it comes to. I am tired of the doctor egomaniacal nuisances out there and would like to feel that I am in a room of equals working under Grandpa's instruction and it's all good.

So, that is kind of where I'm at. I can teach. I can legally perform the art. I have faced huge obstacles and crossed over untouched and unjailed. I wish to see the healer of the future, a Nerve Signal Interference Specialist that has studied directly under the line of Craton. You are one of the few right now. I am offering you a chance to need a license like you need a hole in your head, like Grandpa once told me. I plan to hopefully sooner than later have a system in place that will insure this position. I don't care how it's done or who does it as long as it works and am currently in the production of the hope myself. It wouldn't be an insurance policy, but it would be like one in that the payment would be spread over time and affordable to all, even the poor.

Don't have all the answers yet, but do have the dream.

I guess now would be a good time to break and let you chime in your two cents on what hopefully will become your dreams too.


Tammy Joy Kennedy
Beloved of Craton:)

This page was first posted on March 28, 2003 and last revised on January 30, 2005.

The rod of iron.
Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005 by Tammy Joy Kennedy. All rights reserved.