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Truth is not always immediately relative, but a perspective of it is. In other words from the individual's point of view the perspective of the truth and the truth itself are not always one and the same. If one is to go through life with an accurate perspective of the truth then a complete examination of the possibilities is in order. This is such a broad task that the acquisition of this skill only comes about with practice and proper intentions. Belief has very little to do with this process except that it is used as a stepping stone. For example to be able to get from point A to point B one has to have a measure of faith that it is possible. Once faith has served it's purpose and has started the process then knowledge takes it's place through experience.
Science is built on the observations and suppositions of people who have the
ability to recognize constants. Branches of science are varied and numerous,
and are by no means able to explain every phenomenon that confronts the
human being. New thoughts are thereby necessary to grasp the things that
are not yet understood. When the answer springs from a source that is not
recognized by society controversy is inevitable but has no bearing on the
validity of the truth at hand. With this in mind, I introduce the
science of the removal of Nerve Signal
Interference. There is no testimony to the validity or degradation of this
philosophy but conscience and common sense. Employ these when you consume the
pages that follow and be willing to admit that you do not know, but that it is
possible that you can understand.
The human body is made up of different systems and out of these, the nervous system is the most important. It is responsible for the communication of the other systems and so, is vital in the body's ability to heal itself. Without proper communication in the body it is possible for the organs/systems to loose contact with each other and create a condition of chaos. This of course can take time and is not always understood when it does happen.
Nerve Signal Interference is a term that is applied to the condition of chaos in the body. This is more appropriate than illness or disease because it is, in essence, the cause of the different diseases as they are known. The nerve signal travels along nerve pathways or fibers and is the animating force that defines life. Without the nerve signal at it's appropriate time, the body cannot function correctly, becomes ill, and eventually dies.
Nerve Signal Interference is not a death sentence because it is something that can be removed. Until now, there have been meager attempts to understand and address this issue. Belief has actually gotten in the way of real progress because as long as an individual is convinced of his position the question that needs to be asked is not asked. So. . . I offer questions, and answers throughout this text. --- These issues are sorely in need of scrutiny by the public, after all, this is America.
The current system of things is in effect to protect the individual, so we are told. This may not be far from the truth, but there are certain groups of people that are benefiting from this arrangement. These factions would have much to lose if things were to radically change. Meanwhile, John Q. Public is plagued by disease, pain, and pestilence that might have been avoided altogether. I contend that all avenues of health must be examined so that the people have the opportunity to make an informed decision when it comes to their and their families lives. The big picture has not been focused upon, as yet. This has nothing to do with genetic manipulation, allieviation of symptoms, or the latest surgical technique. It does have to do with understanding what disease is, why disease is manifested, and how to eliminate those causes. See Contract.
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Preface (Into the Mystic) |
This page was first created in the summer of 1999 and last revised on January 17, 2022.