Last changed: June 10, 2001

Re: Offer for a potential study.

From: Moderator #13
Category: Philosophy
source: Jay's chiro discussion site
Remote User:


Hi Tammy, I had the opportunity to read your web page in total. I am impressed and want to congratulate you on your endeavor and exuberance in bringing the work of your Grandfather, and now yourself, to the people.

Just as Christianity has had many valid loving and beneficial branches over the last few milleniums; so chiropractic has and will. Your Grandfather, Dr. Craton, has apparently made wonderful discoveries on top of what else he was taught and practiced early on.

I guess the point is that I am trying to share with you the thoughts of so many like your Grandfather, and yourself, that they too have made discoveries and have been shunned by the mediocrity that chiropractice too often is today. The majority of chiros may practicce at a level that is mainstream but not at the leading edge of the profession. For those who excel in certain neuro-spinal expertises it is a disappointment that mdeiocrity is the standard. But it is, and it is in most professions, sadly. Showing them methods that they on their own can discover to be more scientific and effective is our endeavor. We do this by having these web pages where those of interest may participate.

There are some great men and women in chiropractic today who are trying to upgrade the majority of the profession. It is a very difficult and expensive task. They do it with firmness, yet gentle, loving, and professional. They do not berate their profession, but instead try to soothe it forward.

In our opinion we need to be grateful for that and not condemning.

In the last century, ooops, I mean in the century before that; there were people working on the spine in Europe. I think neuro-spinal work really goes back as far as the pyramid builders, there have been those interested in the working of the spine and its impact on the entire organism for thousands of years. After the Egyptians, or perhaps before, the Asians and Pacific Islanders were/are interested. In fact on finding out about the extraordinary things about natural neuro-spinal correction what intelligent person would not be interested.

We know that Aesculapeus of Greece did much to his contemporaries through his work on the spine. Indeed he was reverred as a God to the Greeks and the Romans.

But in this recent era, the latter part of the 1800's, both Andrew T. Still and Daniel David Palmer, independent of eachother, went to Europe and studied the manipulators of the time and brought back to the United States both Osteopathy and Chiropractic, respectively.

Now you can see that it is an evolution. Chiropractic appears to have carried the torch the furthest in neuro-spinal effort to date. But chiropractic is not the end of the evolution. 4 years of chiro schooling in medical courses, distractions of medical Dx/Tx from the real issue of correcting the neuro-spine with now tried and proven methods, one of which you appear to be very savvy in, and the incredible, we hear approximate $100,000, tuition, etc., in order to graduate...will possibly allow the implosion of this profession, but not its ideology. The idea will continue. It will continue through people like you who will never let it go.

Already there are school(s) in Australia and Asia, I believe, called Spinology (search the web) using Vertebraille methods, started by a wonderful chiropractic philosopher in the United States. When he turned his zeal from education back to teaching philosophy of chiro, another doctor took up the educational side...outside of the USA, where more tolerant minds allow its growth and dissemination. In fact in Australia it has been legally and governmentailly determined to be a separate branch of the healing arts, and we hear it is taught in a fine school in Sydney.

So some of the purpose of this note to you is that, you may well be right, that yours and your Grandfather's work is not chiropractic, perhaps it is an evolutionary step above or alongside chiropractic. The point we are trying to make with you is that, while you are doing marvelous things for people, many others of similar ilk are too. To be exact, perhaps trying to take your message to chiropractors is a waste of time, your precious time; better spent educating people one on one at your place of work. You could be starting seminars and sharing this great work to others and why would you need chiropractors. Andrew T. Still did not, Dr. Tremaine of Spinology does not, and so many others who have not tried to get inside of the chiros but have instead gone around them and ignored them.

This wonderful field of the neuro-spine is not owned by the medics, although they thought they did and tried to crush chiros, and now the chiros are not co-owners along with the medics. This wonderful knowledge belongs to the people of the world to freely evolve and be done accurately and precisely by as many people who choose to do it.

Should there be a limit to those who proselityze healthy living? Will there be a point where there are too many people speaking about living a long healthy life? Will there be too many people who swim and/or walk to maintain their health? Will there ever be too many people scouring their minds to evolve the knowledge of the neuro-spine? Well we do not think so either. You are one of us. You do not need the chiros...they sure as heck have as much told you the same (from reading your web page). So why not accept the bigger evolutionary picture and go on your own way...ignore the chiros. In our opinion you do not need to prove to them that what you do is not chiro...never mind so much what you or we is what the world needs. The world needs optimal health and longevity during each individuals time on earth. No time for argument...go forth.

You may also want to understand that by getting in the faces of the chiros that they may fear you and try to stop you and bring a government agency down on you and consume all of your time and pull you from the real mission given to you by your Grandfather, which is to serve the people and spread the word in a grass roots manner.

Right now, neuro-spinal methods are being adapted and practiced by many health care professionals outside of chiropractic, without permission of the chiros; while too many chiros are ignoring what they have and are trying to get more medical procedures into the profession. M.D.'s, N.D.'s, D.O.'s, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Biomechanical people, and unlicensed "body workers" are more and more each day discovering that neuro-spinal methods are a most wonderful thing and a superlative approach to improve the quality of health and the distance of optimal longevity; and incorporate some of what you and we do into their practices.

Should they if they see the big picture of our mutual but different work be restrained? Should you be restrained? The chiros were badly restrained. For anyone doing competent neuro-spinal work, they should NOT be restrained. If they are not competent they should be adequately and freely (oh a fee perhaps to perpetuate the process) educated. There are too many humans in need of neuro-spinal correction and maintanence of same.

May we encourage you to continue to explore and evolve your Grandfather's work. To go forth in a positve manner, not trying to "prove" your work to uncaring ears but to those in need. Your writings do carry a little disappointment in how you have been treated. Perhaps choosing a different area to discuss your work would be better. So try us. But as you can see from the posts and Table of Contents, the contributions are not in argument unless they are a loving haelthy challenge to one another.

And for ourselves you have piqued our curiosity, and so we encourage you to participate in a loving generous manner. May we ask you to descibe the work you do. How do you make an analysis of a person's neuro-spinal condition and how do you go about making corrections to their problems. What methods do you use to increase your accuracy and precision? We would like to know; in order for the evolution to be whole we all must contribute in a professional manner. All of the posts on the Discussion Site and the Table of Contents on both of the web pages and the were given freely and in a loving and educationally oriented manner. People sharing...for the benefit of all people.

You will notice there is not a single sentence of anger or hostility in these 2 web pages which are thrust towards evolution and enhancement of our collective great work. We ask you to participate in a like manner. But we do want to be firm about the style of entries, any entries that are mentally disruptive from the sharing that has gone on for the last 3 years, we will have to delete. So far not a single entry has been deleted. You have so much to share that we do encourage you to be heard in an arena free of those who are jealous of what they have or have not.

Bring on the great work of Dr. Craton. You will be able to memorialize his work on these pages. But please do with an eye towards loving and sharing. Those of us involved in this effort are on a Mission, and any negativity, complaining, whining, or condemning stresses the thinking cap of us all and slows the process. We do want this evolution of correcting and maintaining the integrity of the neuro-spine to go further and faster in our lifetimes. Why settle for anything else, yeah? We encourage anyone with contributions to present them. In a thousand years, will neuro-spinal work be the core of the healing arts or will we allow it to fall to the wayside.

Ooops! Sorry the page has a broken Discussion Site due to problems with the server and the amount of time they have to fix it. 6 months of asking them to fix the problem have not shown results. We apologize, but since we are not computer knowledgeable we are helpless to fix it. We continue to email them daily.

The best to you and your endeavors. Oh, and Tammy, the Moderators at our web pages are a tight group and we can assure you that none of our people from the pages wrote to you at all until now. It saddens us that someone would act less than professional to you; though perhaps your challenge was a little strong. Saying that Dr. Craton's method(s) are better than any chiropractic method is a bit abrupt, considering there are hundreds of chiropractic methods developed by as many men and women chiropractors, and the challenge of your Granpa's being the best may irk others, since there is no way any of us could ever be fully knowledgeable of all methods to make the certain comparison. Some people say "We may not be the best, but we are hard to beat". As well those in the UpC area of chiro do not need your "proving" any challenge on 300 patients.

Testimonals and results from patients are so subjective. We are more into objective things like the method of analysis and the method(s) of correcting the neuro-spine. We already know that this neuro-spinal correction thing is tremendous when done properly.

For many of us things like neuro-spinal structural displacement and how to observe it and correct it is the paramount issue. Objective measurements (like x-rays) and observations such as leg checks, scanning palpation of the spine; and extremity evaluations; and understanding forces and fulcrums, levers, resistance, inertia, vectors and magnitudes, etc., allow us to be on a common communicative ground even though we are using different methods. Math, physics, engineering, and biomechanics are the language of how we can objectively and scientifically talk to eachother. It is not a must to know these things but if you are as accurate as possible we can interpret your efforts into this common language so that we can relate to it scientifically and use your knowledge for the common good.

Would your Grandfather's love to you best be served and perpetuated with love outgoing from you? Sharing yours/his knowledge in a manner that promotes the evolution? After all there are about 6 billion people on earth. In their lifetime how many will net need neuro-spinal work? There is only about 1 spinal correction worker for every 85,000 people on earth. And how many are highly competent of those doing the work. We need lotsa of more people and lots more knowledge to advance the work. You can see where we are coming from.

With best regards and love to you and yours,

Moderator #13


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