Asthma is a disease that has currently reached epidemic proportions in this nation. This is NOT necessary or required and now you have the opportunity to step beyond the limitations of modern medicine.

The brain is the central processing unit of the human body. It is responsible for interpreting and responding to the myriads of signals that make up ordinary life. On occasion electrical signals are sent without the brain's say so, and herein lies the root cause of what society has come to know as asthma.

Ganglia are nerve centers that lie outside the spinal cord. These nerve centers can be thought of as major intersections for the traffic of information inside our bodies.

Muscles are the slaves of the nervous system. They have no brain to think for themselves and are under the strict control of the impulses that are sent to them.

There are muscles that line the bronchial tubes; they are there to protect the lungs from the entrance of foreign objects. This is the natural and necessary job of these muscles. But in the case of asthma, an electrical signal is sent to these muscles WITHOUT the brain's say so. These poor overworked and misinformed slaves then begin to produce waste products that make the experience worse. You might know these waste products as histamines.

The body has the tendency to allow for entrapment of neurotransmitters. When this entrapment takes place a physical body is formed. You can think of this body as a sand grain. This 'sand grain' can be deposited in the soft tissues of the muscles, ligaments, nerve fibers, etc.

In the case of asthma specifically, a 'sand grain' is deposited in the ganglia that controls the muscles lining the bronchial tubes. This physical body rubs up against the fibers that are responsible for carrying the messages from the brain to the muscles of the bronchial tubes. Only now, this body has the capacity to send a signal to the muscles that line the bronchial tubes directly, bypassing any order from the brain. This is the cause of asthma.

The answer is simple. Eliminate the 'sand grain' and the muscles of the bronchial tubes are no longer told to contract without good cause. The brain is now in control, not some neurotransmitter goop that has been lodged in a ganglia inadvertently.

Fortunately it is possible to break the membrane of the tonoplast (sand grain) without surgery. Static pressure in the proper location will do the job. The body then goes about the process of recycling the once trapped neurotransmitter, and God's plan is respected, not bypassed.

Please call for an appointment.

This page was first posted on December 7, 2001 and last revised on January 21, 2022.

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